
$SMCI 45C, Alerted: .58, Reach: 3.06, +427.59%, +$248.00$SMCI had a great run the past few days and this is not the only time we traded it. The bulk of this...
$SMCI 45C, Alerted: .58, Reach: 3.06, +427.59%, +$248.00$SMCI had a great run the past few days and this is not the only time we traded it. The bulk of this...

$SPY 602 Call, Alerted: .86, Reached: 2.71, +215.12%, +$185.00$SPY had a big drop in PM with CPI numbers coming out. We had our levels set and once we broke them...
$SPY 602 Call, Alerted: .86, Reached: 2.71, +215.12%, +$185.00$SPY had a big drop in PM with CPI numbers coming out. We had our levels set and once we broke them...

$TSLL 18.5P Alerted: .68, Reached: 1.88, +176.47%, +$120.00Market was dropping back today. $SPY was still range bound. $TSLL started dropping off our indicators so we grabbed a put (when the...
$TSLL 18.5P Alerted: .68, Reached: 1.88, +176.47%, +$120.00Market was dropping back today. $SPY was still range bound. $TSLL started dropping off our indicators so we grabbed a put (when the...

$UBER 69C, Alerted: .45, Reached: 1.47, +226.67%, +$102.00 Choppy market today but $UBER gave us a great opportunity once it broke PM highs. We waited for the conformation and rode...
$UBER 69C, Alerted: .45, Reached: 1.47, +226.67%, +$102.00 Choppy market today but $UBER gave us a great opportunity once it broke PM highs. We waited for the conformation and rode...

$AMD 111C Alerted: .96, Reached: 2.29, +138.54%, $133.00 $AMD with a nice push back today off ER. We waited till we seen it cross our levels with the support we...
$AMD 111C Alerted: .96, Reached: 2.29, +138.54%, $133.00 $AMD with a nice push back today off ER. We waited till we seen it cross our levels with the support we...

$AAPL 2/14 235P, Alerted: 1.89, Reached: 5.61, +196.83%, +$372.00Great way to finish off the week and the month with a nice swing on $AAPL, even though we took profit already!...
$AAPL 2/14 235P, Alerted: 1.89, Reached: 5.61, +196.83%, +$372.00Great way to finish off the week and the month with a nice swing on $AAPL, even though we took profit already!...